Bindings /
a. Basics b. Adding data c. Dynamic attributes d. Styling e. Nested components f. Making an app a. Assignments b. Declarations c. Statements d. Updating arrays and objects a. Declaring props b. Default values c. Spread props a. If blocks b. Else blocks c. Else-if blocks d. Each blocks e. Keyed each blocks f. Await blocks a. DOM events b. Inline handlers c. Event modifiers d. Component events e. Event forwarding f. DOM event forwarding a. Text inputs b. Numeric inputs c. Checkbox inputs d. Group inputs e. Textarea inputs f. Select bindings g. Select multiple h. Contenteditable bindings i. Each block bindings j. Media elements k. Dimensions l. This m. Component bindings n. Binding to component instances a. onMount b. onDestroy c. beforeUpdate and afterUpdate d. tick a. Writable stores b. Auto-subscriptions c. Readable stores d. Derived stores e. Custom stores f. Store bindings a. Tweened b. Spring a. The transition directive b. Adding parameters c. In and out d. Custom CSS transitions e. Custom JS transitions f. Transition events g. Local transitions h. Deferred transitions i. Key blocks a. The animate directive a. The use directive b. Adding parameters a. The class directive b. Shorthand class directive c. Inline styles d. The style directive a. Slots b. Slot fallbacks c. Named slots d. Checking for slot content e. Slot props a. setContext and getContext a. <svelte:self> b. <svelte:component> c. <svelte:element> d. <svelte:window> e. <svelte:window> bindings f. <svelte:document> g. <svelte:body> h. <svelte:head> i. <svelte:options> j. <svelte:fragment> a. Sharing code b. Exports a. The @debug tag b. HTML tags a. Congratulations!
Every block-level element has clientWidth
, clientHeight
, offsetWidth
and offsetHeight
< div bind : clientWidth = {w} bind : clientHeight = {h}>
< span style = "font-size: { size }px" >{text}</ span >
</ div >
These bindings are readonly — changing the values of w
and h
won't have any effect.
Elements are measured using a technique similar to this one . There is some overhead involved, so it's not recommended to use this for large numbers of elements.
display: inline
elements cannot be measured with this approach; nor can elements that can't contain other elements (such as <canvas>
). In these cases you will need to measure a wrapper element instead.
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